each day
To think of you
as a ghost
is to disregard the reality
that you are alive
You will outlive me
I shiver
in anticipation
of your death
I smile at your ghost
a hand in the air
to dissipate
Destroy the moment
Say "moment"
Say "immobile"
Say "In movement I am torment"
a fucking word that guarantees
A leaving
Each day
a leaving
a greeting
a wave
Cities far away
Grind at the thought of you
- Kids Stay Free!
this girl
head stuck out the window
on the first
nice new day of spring
looks around like --
"this shit ain't my fault
but maybe I can fix it"
she redeems this ugliness
with pure presence
three days ago
she had a wicked cold
nose dripping like the leaky faucet
in the bathroom
drop drop drop
but you can't take a wrench to your neck
and twist --------
so she was resigned to it
the sniffling and gurgling and aching chain
that was this winter
the endless stream of barely edible Chinese food
her mother brought home from work nearly
every goddamn day
but her mother was a lousy cook
and they both knew it
so she didn't complain much
she had forgotten what people
looked like underneath the layers
of clothes they wore
she remembered thinking that people were lying
that they didn't really have bodies
that they didn't even exist
she would think this about herself, but then
concluded that she must be real
because who has ever had thoughts like these before?
she remembers her mother
drunk in the living room
rifling through boxes of memories
telling her through a curtain of tears
and snot ---
"Don't ever trust a man, baby. They'll fuck you
over sooner than later. I'm sick of being fucked over.
Do you hear me, baby? I'm sick of being fucked over!"
she just stood there and watched her mother cry
even then she knew
her mother asked for it
secretly yearned for it
sought it out like a divining rod
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